Entourage Silken Windhounds established in 2011, is comprised of Jan and Trisha, a mother-daughter team. We were both born and raised in Seattle, WA, and started out our dog careers showing, breeding, and raising Shelties.
Upon moving to Texas, we transitioned from Shelties into Miniature Schnauzers, we lovingly refer to them as our "mascots" at dog shows. We both fell in love with the Silken Windhound breed upon visiting the Winsome Etc. farm in Monroe, WA on separate occasions. After providing a temporary home for UKC ALT GRCH Winsome Good’N Plenty “Ziggy” he is now a permanent resident.
Following Ziggy, ISWS Alt CH, UKC CH Allagante Windspirit Bahama “Breezy” joined Entourage to provide Silken companionship and then the rest fell in line. We have found that Silkens are like potato chips, you can't have just one. The origin of our kennel name, after much deliberation, is that we always refer to our dogs as our "Entourage."
Please enjoy our website and thank you for visiting our page.
Please fill out a contact form for any inquiries.
Upon moving to Texas, we transitioned from Shelties into Miniature Schnauzers, we lovingly refer to them as our "mascots" at dog shows. We both fell in love with the Silken Windhound breed upon visiting the Winsome Etc. farm in Monroe, WA on separate occasions. After providing a temporary home for UKC ALT GRCH Winsome Good’N Plenty “Ziggy” he is now a permanent resident.
Following Ziggy, ISWS Alt CH, UKC CH Allagante Windspirit Bahama “Breezy” joined Entourage to provide Silken companionship and then the rest fell in line. We have found that Silkens are like potato chips, you can't have just one. The origin of our kennel name, after much deliberation, is that we always refer to our dogs as our "Entourage."
Please enjoy our website and thank you for visiting our page.
Please fill out a contact form for any inquiries.